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C/2020 F3 NEOWISE and Thunder Cell
作者 | 盧文傑
科學圖說 Introduction
C / 2020 F3 NEOWISE彗星在2020年7月以0.3AU的距離通過近日點,預報亮度將達到1等,是眾多彗星中唯一最如預期,也是最值得期待的大彗星。北半球於7月進入最佳觀測期,國境之南的車城鄉後灣,是全臺遠離市區,光害較少,最適合拍攝的沿海地區,原本想拍攝到NEOWISE彗星親吻海面的畫面,雖事與願違,卻也感謝老天爺的厚愛,讓我捕捉到雷雨胞伴隨NEOWISE彗星,同時出現在海面上的美麗畫面。
In July 2020, the C/2020 F3 NEOWISE comet was 0.3 AU from the earth. Its predicted brightness was of magnitude less than 1. Among the many comets, this was the most anticipated. In the northern hemisphere, July was the best time to view it. Houwan in Checheng Township is a coastal area in Taiwan far from the light pollution of urban areas. Originally, I had wanted to capture the NEOWISE comet skimming the surface of the ocean. Although not possible, I was grateful for heaven’s provision of a thunder cell to accompany the NEOWISE comet, which led to this beautiful scene.

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