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Scorpion Viewed Under Light
作者 | 李興漢
科學圖說 Introduction
蠍子常在夜間獵食,在紫外線燈的照射下呈現螢光反應,並有科學家推測其主要的功能是協助蠍子感覺光環境情況。蠍子的視力很差,但對藍綠光很敏感,所以用身體吸收紫外線以轉換成藍綠螢光,察覺月光的些微變化,以便藏身在陰暗處,躲避其他的獵食動物。這隻蛻皮不久的藍青異蠍Heterometrus cyaneus(C. L. Koch, 1836),幼蠍的螢光集中在關節部分,可說明螢光物質隨著表皮硬化時逐步累加而成。作品名稱出自明代高啟《贈楊滎陽》一詩。
Scorpions are nocturnal hunters.Under ultraviolet light, they have a fluorescent tint, which scientists believe assists them in understanding their environment. Scorpions have poor eyesight but are sensitive to blue and green light. Therefore, their body absorbs ultraviolet light and converts it to blue and green fluorescent light, enabling them to observe changes in moonlight and to find dark places to hide from predators. This Asian blue forest scorpion (Heterometrus cyaneus) (C.L. Koch, 1836) has recently molted. In juveniles, fluorescent tint is concentrated in the joints. Fluroescent substances gradually accumulate as the epidermis hardens. The title of this work is based on a Ming dynasty poem by Gao Qi.

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