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Sundew with Prey
作者 | 沈競辰
科學圖說 Introduction
The Drosera peltata Sm. has captured an insect of the order Diptera and family Sciaridae. Drosera peltata Sm. is a carnivorous plant that is native to Taiwan. It is an upright sundew with glandular hairs on its insect-catching leaves. At the ends of these glandular hairs are pearl-shaped structures that secrete a sticky substance. When an insect becomes stuck, the polysaccharides and enzymes within the sticky substance decompose the insect, turning it into liquid for absorption. The glandular hairs are able to move, such that when an insect is caught, they press down on it. In addition to preventing an insect from escaping, this enables more glandular hairs to be involved in the digestive process.