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Treehopper Protecting Its Young
作者 | 廖智安
科學圖說 Introduction
角蟬有著各種特殊的造型,是一群非常有趣的昆蟲,書上記載角蟬會護卵護幼。在臺灣的觀察過程中,一直未能找到角蟬的卵塊或護卵的行為。在微雨福隆港的步道邊,發現植物莖條上有一團刺刺的陰影,靠近了才發現是夢寐以求的高冠角蟬 (Pyrgauchenia sp.)。拍了幾張後檢查照片,發現其中一隻的周邊似乎圍繞著小小顆粒,裝上接寫環後才確認,圍在成蟲周邊的是剛孵化的若蟲。
Treehoppers are interesting insects with unique forms. Although it has been recorded that treehoppers protect their eggs and young, I did not find a treehopper egg mass or an example of a treehopper protecting its eggs in Taiwan. On a drizzly day along a trail on Fraser’s Hill, I saw a thorny shadow on the stem of a plant. I looked closely and realized that it was the elusive treehopper (Pyrgauchenia sp.). After reviewing the first few shots, I noticed small particles around an adult. Adding an extension ring, I confirmed that these were newly hatched nymphs.

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