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Saprophyte: Burmannia itoana Makino
作者 | 李思霖
科學圖說 Introduction
When we think of plants, the color green, photosynthesis, and producers of the natural world most likely come to mind. However, there are some plants without chlorophyll or the ability to carry out photosynthesis. They are parasitic or mycoheterotrophic. Examples include members of the genus Monotropa and the families Burmanniaceae and Triuridaceae, as well as saprophytic orchids. Preferring the humus layer of soil, such plants rely on fungi for their nutrition and tend not to attract attention, except during specific times of the year. Pictured here is Burmannia itoana Makino. Between August and October, it produces flowers of dazzling color. Otherwise, it remains hidden in dense forest.