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The Art of Backlighting Butterflies
作者 | 孟繁鈴
科學圖說 Introduction
Light is an amazing physical phenomenon that enables organisms to see. Light travels and, when it reaches an object, it provides a clear image of it. If the backlighting is manipulated well, nice images are obtained. The following butterfly images are presenting under three treatments: Image 1: The psyche (Leptosia nina) with strong backlighting; Image 2: The three-spot grass yellow (Eurema blanda) with medium backlighting; Image 3: The plain tiger (Danaus chrysippus) with weak backlighting. Backlighting does not necessarily lead to a loss of detail. Rather, by adjusting backlighting, a light-transmissive subject, and the brightness of the background, will get a clear and beautiful result.

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