佳作獎 佳作獎
Ant Family
作者 | 林汝貞
科學圖說 Introduction
Due to the disparity in their appearance, I first thought that the ants in this set of images were of different species. However, they are all of the same species, Carebara diversa. Their colonies consist of one reproductive queen, hundreds of soldier ants, and thousands of worker ants, while their distribution is generally from the flatlands to low-lying mountains in Taiwan, especially in the south. They prefer open areas or grassland with sufficient sunshine. It is common to see swarms of worker ants alongside soldier ants, with some worker ants riding on the backs of soldier ants. Specialized soldier ants have a relatively high status in the colony, helping to hunt and divide up food. They have extraordinarily large heads, well-developed mandibles, and disproportionate bodies, reaching 13-15mm in length. There is an obvious groove on the back of the head with truncated edge and spines at the posterior end of the metathorax. Their powerful bite can cause severe skin laceration but without formic acid toxicity. Worker ants carry and lift things and guard the colony. There are far more worker ants than soldier ants, as they are involved in all aspects of the operation of the colony.

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