

鄭明倫 - 副研究員兼組主任
  • 生物學組, 昆蟲學門
  • jengml@nmns.edu.tw


2008 博士 University of Kansas 生態暨演化生物學系


Museum Career


I started my appointment as an assistant curator with the Zoology Department at NMNS in June 2009. I was the collection manager of the Entomology Division during 2010-2017. Together with colleagues we are responsible for maintaining and curating about 1 million specimens of our insects collections. From 2017 June to the end of 2020, I served as the division head of Science Interpretation and Enlightenment in the Department of Science Education. I am now the Chair of the Department of Biology.


我的研究對象是昆蟲中物種多樣性最高的甲蟲,早期以流水域的水棲甲蟲的分類為主,近十五年來則專注在螢火蟲研究。博士的研究主題為螢科系統發育、分類、與幼蟲型雌蟲(neotenic female)的演化,回國後除繼續發展螢科所屬各次級分類群(subordinated taxa) 的親緣分類外,並投入生態與演化的研究,利用在地的物種對螢火蟲有趣且饒富演化意義的行為生態作深入的探討,尤其是在發光行為所衍生的性擇與天擇議題上。台灣的螢火蟲有六十餘種,在類群和生態上都具有很高的多樣性,很適合做這方面的研究,也因此吸引不少海內外專家進行合作,以跨領域的整合研究方式來了解這群會發光的有趣生物。

My primary interest is the very diverse order Coleoptera. Much of my early work was on the classification of riffle beetle families such as Elmidae and Psephenidae. Since the last decade, more emphasis has been put on Lampyridae (fireflies, lightning bugs) and a closely related family, Rhagophthalmidae. Special interests are on the biodiversity, ecological behaviour, and evolution of fireflies. The general goal of my research is to develop phylogenetic systematics of the subordinate taxa (genus to subfamily) of Lampyridae, and to study the bioluminescent traits and their significance to natural and sexual selections.
Taiwan is blessed by its rich firefly fauna. Some 60 species in 12 genera are known to the island and they are also diverse in ecology and behaviour. They provide a rich source of potential for ecological and evolutionary research. Establishing interdisciplinary cooperations from nationwide and worldwide are fundamental to achieve our research objectives.

2022/12/13 更新