
Preservation of Damaged Classrooms

(一)專科教室區 ( Specialty Classrooms )


Transparent acrylic columns were installed inside and a truss system was installed outside the damaged classrooms to provide vertical and lateral support, respectively. This has slowed the rate of further collapse.

(二)南棟毀損教室區 ( South Classroom Building )

       園方目前於南棟教室內設有壓克力柱做支撐,並於教室內設剪力牆做補強。此外為減輕重量,將 2 、 3 樓教室拆除,僅保留一樓教室展示。

Acrylic support columns have been installed in the South Classroom Building in addition to shear walls for reinforcement. To reduce the weight of the structure, the classrooms on the second and third floors were removed, with only those on the first floor kept for exhibition purposes.

(三)北棟毀損教室區 ( North Classroom Building )


The Chelungpu Fault exits the Kuang-Fu Junior High School campus through its red gate. In this area can be seen the slogan “courtesy, righteousness, integrity, and humility,” marking the main entrance to the school at the time of the earthquake.

       原本連繫南棟及北棟教室的文化穿廊,因震後造成整條穿廊在南、北棟教室的連結處斷裂掉落,原本 3 層樓高的穿廊嚴重倒塌,只剩 1 層樓的高度。

The cultural corridor that originally connected the South and North classroom buildings broke apart and fell at the connecting point between these buildings after the earthquake. This originally three-story high corridor is now only one-story high.


As the North Classroom Building was constructed in phases and the corridor in the middle extended to both sides, connections were fragile, resulting in ruptured surfaces.


To preserve these damaged classrooms, a large cover comprised of steel columns and steel cables was added, serving as a shelter against the direct impacts of wind and rain on the North Classroom Building.

2023/06/22 更新