
Preservation of the Outdoor Running Track

       為長久保存 921 大地震的毀損景觀,園區在斷層館戶外跑道上方,以及工程館北棟毀損教室區上方皆架設了薄膜。然而,園區自民國 93 年分期興建竣工開放迄今,鋼構高處銜接部位開始出現油漆剝落及鏽蝕等狀況,薄膜亦出現表面汙損、張力鬆弛等情形,為長久保存地震現址,考量參觀民眾安全及園區整體美觀, 111 年初進行薄膜更新、鋼索拉力檢查及防鏽塗裝修復工程,並於該年底完成。

To preserve the areas damaged during the 921 Earthquake, the running track outside the Chelungpu Fault Gallery and the North Classroom Building next to the Earthquake Engineering Hall were covered in a thin film. In 2004, phased construction of this museum began and continues today. In the upper parts of the steel structure, the coating is peeling off around the joints and there is rust build-up. Moreover, the thin film surface has become stained and loose. For the long-term preservation of this earthquake site, and in consideration of visitor and public safety, and overall esthetics, replacement of the thin film, steel cable tension checks, and anti-rust coating application began in early 2022 and will be completed by the end of this year. 

     隆起的操場跑道,在 PU 材質的覆蓋下,即便歷經風雨侵蝕,當年的地貌變動依然清晰。

Uplifting and changes in the running track that occurred during the earthquake are still clear, even after wind and rain erosion, as it was covered in PU.

2023/06/22 更新