To collect, integrate, and connect earthquake ruins research and science education resources of multiple countries, promote international exchanges, broaden the public’s international perspective, and highlight the preservation value of this site.
1999 年 9 月 21 日凌晨 1 點 47 分,臺灣發生百年來的大地震,芮氏規模達到 7.3 ,劇烈的搖晃造成 2400 多人死亡,上萬棟房屋倒塌。基於紀念、警世,提升全民防災意識及國家防災應變能力,政府將每年 9 月 21 日訂為「國家防災日」,並以霧峰光復國中舊校址規劃為地震紀念館,作為保存地震原址、紀錄地震史實,提供社會大眾地震教育活教材的基地。
At 1:47 am on September 21, 1999, Taiwan experienced its largest earthquake in a century, measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale, which led to more than 2,400 deaths and the collapse of tens of thousands of buildings. To remember this disaster and let it serve as a warning, as well as to elevate disaster preparedness and prevention awareness and national disaster response capabilities, the government designated September 21 National Disaster Prevention Day. In addition, the Kuang-Fu Junior High School campus in Taichung’s Wufeng District was planned as the site of an earthquake memorial hall, to preserve it as it was following the earthquake and to record the history of this earthquake. This museum serves as as a base for earthquake education that possesses real-life teaching materials.
This is the first earthquake museum in Taiwan. Based on the observations of the exhibitions of earthquake-related museums in Japan, five exhibition halls were planned: Chelungpu Fault Gallery, Earthquake Engineering Hall, Image Gallery, Disaster Prevention Hall, and Reconstruction Records Hall. Content is earthquake-related and includes topics on geoscience, earthquake construction technology, and post-disaster reconstruction, as well as images from the disaster. As this campus was built on public land, its ruins were able to be preserved. Added to that, planning team members felt a sense of mission as they put forth the bold idea of preserving the damaged classroom buildings on their original site as real-life displays and adopting stabilization methods that would not affect their appearance. These collapsed buildings remain for visitors to view, even after many earthquakes, big and small, over the years.