
Elephants-Evolution and Tragedy of the Land Mighty

From the fossils of elephants dating back tens of thousands of years, you will learn about the origin, development, and migration patterns of elephants. Through fascinating interactive installations, you can experience the size and magnitude of elephants, including the impressive size of their ears. However, from the skeletal remains and ivory artifacts of woolly mammoths, you will also understand the survival crisis and extinction pressures faced by elephants. Taiwan, once a paradise for elephants, has left behind precious fossil evidence.

Do you know how much elephants weigh? Do you know how tall elephants are? Do you know how strong elephants are? Do you know when elephants first appeared on Earth? This summer, the Museum will exhibit a variety of elephant fossils to answer these questions one by one.

The elephants have a gestation period of 21 months. The Museum's Exhibition "Elephants-Evolution and Tragedy of the Land Mighty" with over 200 exhibits will tell you all about elephants.

2024/01/23 更新