顆粒短肛竹節蟲,捲捲的手像翹鬍子般,可愛極了。為什麼會翹鬍子呢? 竹節蟲遇到天敵或被捉住時,為了生存會有自割求生的行為(自斷附肢)。竹節蟲的若蟲具有再生能力,從斷裂基部長出小圈圈狀的小腳組織(俗稱蚊香腳),經過數次脫皮恢復正常。成蟲的竹節蟲因為不再脫皮,斷腳也就長不出來了。
The Ramulus granulatus stick insect has a mustache-like front leg. It is very cute, but what is it for? If this insect is under threat from a natural predator or when it is caught, it will shed its legs to escape. Stick insect nymphs can regenerate broken legs after several molts. The re-growth of the leg appears curled during regeneration. As adults do not molt, their legs cannot regrow if they break off.