蜂蠅屬雙翅目食蚜蠅科,學名為Eristalomyia tenax。由於體型似蜜蜂,往往被誤認。蜂蠅和蜂的區別有三:1.蜂蠅只有一對翅,而真正的蜂有兩對翅;2.觸角形態的區別;3.飛行的姿勢及聲音的區別。其中最容易區分的是觸角,前者較短,像兩個小圓肉片;後者較長,像兩根細長的棒子。
The drone fly, Eristalomyia tenax, is a bee mimic of the family Syrphidae and order Diptera. There are three main differences between drone flies and bees: 1. Drone flies have one pair and bees two pairs of wings. 2. Antennae are shaped differently. 3. Flying postures and sounds are different. The easiest way to distinguish them is that the former has short antennae that look like small round pieces of meat, while the latter has long antennae that look like sticks.