顯微鏡下的微生物,經常有出人意外的動態和行為。若把一隻纖毛蟲放大成高鐵車頭規格,牠的時速會是多少呢? 顯微鏡下,這隻纖毛蟲不斷地舞蹈似迴旋。駐足藻上,有如花式芭蕾單腳旋轉後,蓄力火箭般地高速發射出去。若以牠的身長和高鐵車頭等比換算,會是多快啊?
The activity and behavior of microorganisms are often surprising when observed under a microscope. If we enlarge a ciliate to the size of a high-speed train locomotive, how fast could it move? Under the microscope, this ciliate continuously gyrated as it pirouetted. Among algae, it appears like a ballet dancer rotating on one foot. It has enough power to shoot out like a rocket. If it is increased to the size of a high-speed train engine, what velocity could it reach?