生物學家常使用洋菜膠加入不同養分製作各種微生物培養基。這片養過大腸桿菌的 LB 培養基,被遺忘在實驗室角落,水分逐漸散失,殘留的養分濃度慢慢升高達到飽和,便開始產生結晶。結晶外形受養分種類及環境條件的影響,在黑色背景前,當光線從側面照射,各種結晶彷彿黃金樹般,如果仔細看,還能發現許多小圓點,那是曾經生長在上面的菌落們。
Biologists use agar, adding nutrients to it, to make microbial culture media. This LB medium was used to grow Escherichia coli, but was set aside in a corner of the laboratory where it was forgotten. Moisture was gradually lost. The concentration of residual nutrients slowly increased and became saturated, with the formation of crystals. The shapes of these crystals were affected by the types of nutrients and environmental conditions. With black backdrop and side lighting, they appear in a golden branched pattern. Look carefully to see the dots where bacterial colonies once grew.