大冠鷲和黑枕藍鶲皆為臺灣特有亞種,生活在中低海拔林間。大冠鷲因喜食蛇類,又名「蛇鵰」,其繁殖期在3至6月間,每巢產卵1枚,孵卵期約35天;幼鳥孵出後經過60~75天才長成離巢,巢位有重複使用的現象。黑枕藍鶲以昆蟲為主食,繁殖季主要在4至7月間,一窩通常產3枚卵,由親鳥分擔孵卵與育幼的責任;雛鳥約13~14天破殼而出,經10天後長成離巢。 大冠鷲和黑枕藍鶲二者體型殊異,但繁殖期時的巢區高度重疊。一對大冠鷲返巢育雛時,驚嚇到不遠處同為育雛中的黑枕藍鶲,親鳥為護巢,不畏體型上的劣勢,周旋在大冠鷲四周。為了各自的幼雛,雙方皆挺身護子。道盡了自然界「為母則強」的勇敢與韌性。
The crested serpent eagle and the black-naped monarch are endemic subspecies of Taiwan and inhabit forests at low to medium elevations. The breeding season of the crested serpent eagle is from March to June. Each clutch contains 1 egg. The incubation period is about 35 days. After another 60 to 75 days, the young leave the nest. Nesting sites and materials are repeatedly used. The breeding season of the black-naped monarch, which mainly feeds on insects, is from April to July. There are usually 3 eggs per clutch and males and females jointly incubate the eggs and care for their young. About 13 to 14 days are needed for the eggs to hatch and another 10 days for the young to leave the nest. Their nesting grounds and breeding seasons often overlap. A pair of crested serpent eagles constructing a nest. When one returned to feed its young, it startled a black-naped monarch nesting nearby. The black-naped monarch flew around the eagle several times, and waved its claws, unafraid. For the sake of their young, both birds held their ground, demonstrating the bravery and resilience of mothers in nature.